
Transitions… I know I talk about this topic a lot, especially on this blog, but I find myself reflecting transition quite frequently.

Today I found myself sitting on an airport shuttle bus heading back to the city after seeing off a good friend, and as I sat there, I became overwhelmed. Something within me wanted to reject what had just happened and deny that I wouldn’t see her for a little while; it was all too surreal. Overcome with emotion, I realized that I don’t handle change well and how unfortunate it is that my life is seems to be surrounded by ever continuing changes.

Many will joke and say “the only thing consistent in my life is change and God,” but quite frankly, this is my reality.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing change. I’m actually appreciative of it. Without change I wouldn’t grow, I wouldn’t have met my sweet Prince, and I would have missed out on so many opportunities. Change is quite essential.

As I thought about all of the changes that I’ve gone through, I think what I have concluded is that I wish some of the changes would hurt a little bit less.

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